System selection Information Technology
Initial situations from my experience:
Considerable potentials in the logistics sector can be only be achieved by the use of new software systems. The IT strategy enables the free choice of the best provider, or names a limited group of providers - but there is no exclusive connection to a sole provider.
LANGE CONSULTING has amassed extensive experience of logistics systems through its own current surveys. Furthermore we closely examine the critical factors decisive for the choice of suitable providers.
Our structured approach:
- Listing of processes and evaluation of potentials in logistics
- Listing of the existing IT systems
- Process optimisation in planning and control
- Setting of targets, evaluation of business case
- Creation of shortlist
- Requests for tender and references
- Return on invest - evaluation and recommendation
- Implementation in pilot areas and roll-out
Typical results achieved for customers by LANGE CONSULTING through IT system selection:
- Optimisation of processes
- Identification of the best software provider for the optimised processes
- Rapid implementation pilot areas
- Realisation of maximum potentials (cost reduction and service improvement) by suitable roll-out and fast return on investment